Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Internet Scams... don't fall for them!

Today I'm sitting at work thinking, hmmm, what would be a good way to make some quick, extra cash on the side? With the summer just around the corner and several foreseeable vacations in my future, I thought, I'd check out some stuff. So I went on Craigslist, and checked out their Job postings, namely, the "ETC" section.

There are a lot of things on there that seem interesting... but the ones that caught my eye were, of course, the "work from home, make your own hours!" opportunities listed. Why not? Be lazy, hang out at home, do a few hours of work after hours, and make a few bucks... sign me up! So I follow the links to some of the sites, and on average, here is what I find:

"Easily Make $10 for each online data entry form filled out..and takes only minutes per form!"
*Use your own home computer or laptop on the go
*Get paid instantly each day by check mailed to you
*Only work when there's spare time
*Take 10 minutes per form..daily income adds up fast

(Sounds good, right? I'm thinking... yeah I can do this! Then I scroll down further...)

Ok. Ready to Get Started -- Right Now?
one-time investment of only $19.95!

Not only do you have to PAY THEM to do this, but you have to provide a credit card number or your paypal account! This seemed fishy, so I referred to a friend who I know had mentioned that she'd looked into some of these "get rich quick" ventures before. And she suggested I look them up on the Better Business Bureau before investing. Well... since that search turned up squat, I then googled the name of the company, and here is what I found!

pay pal thieves online, beware!
Reply to: Date: 2006-04-05, 3:05PM EDT
If a company or person is asking for a payment to get started in a clerical position processing orders, beware this is a scheme to increase pay pal accounts! These are all individuals who are deceiving us by selling the opportunity to come online and and deceive others the same way we were tricked into paying. This is a horrible way to make a living, and these people should be ashamed of themselves.

No shit! Here I am, Jane Consumer, thinking I'm about to get a good thing going, and I find out I would have been ripped off. When I went back and checked out this illegitimate website again, I realized, there is VERY little information provided about the task at hand, and there is NO contact information. I had overlooked that factor at first. Well, DUH. Of course they're not going to give you a way to contact them. They'd rather steal your money anonymously!!! There a bunch of these out there... so don't let yourself get fooled. They really do paint a lovely picture, and sound like a good way to make a buck. *sigh*

What a fucking dishonest society we live in.

And what a fucking moron I am, thinking there is ANY way to make money easily. Hehe

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