Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday @ 5:13 am

So, our air conditioning decided to shit the bed. It was happily cranking along in the high sixties for several weeks, but in the past two days I've come home to realize our house is unpleasantly warm, despite the rapidly falling thermometers... it's still humid and AC is still a necessity.

Unfortunately I've been plagued with a disorder... I can't sleep if I'm hot. So I fell asleep right around midnight, woke up again at 2 am, and have been completely restless since. I have, however, been able to catch up on a few back episodes of "Saved," so I guess I'm using my time wisely? I dunno. Most normal people would be lying in bed trying to get back to sleep, but here I am, blogging at 5:16 am. I'm so tired right now that delirium has set in, but yet, because I'm so hot (despite the fan blowing away steadily two feet from my pillow) that I can't fall back asleep. Ugh. And here I was hoping to get a nice solid 8-9 hours of sleep tonight. I'll be lucky if I pull of 5 or 6 at this point I guess.

I think I'm going to go stay at Mom and Dad's tomorrow night. Because the maintenance guys here won't be around (without charging us an obnoxious fee) until Monday to check our AC. And I can't deal with another sleepless night.

I just thank God that it's 68 and humid out, and this did not happen a month ago when it was 98 and humid. Lord have mercy.

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