Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Have A Nice Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy fucking Bon Jovi, Batman!

I am still not able to convince myself that last night really happened.

How did I get so lucky? Kari May, you are my hero!

All I have to say is that his fucking teeth are so much whiter in person, his hair is so much more beautiful... OMG he is a goddamned Adonis. Okay so I'm totally overreacting... but anyone who knows me well (which is probably whoever is reading this blog...) knows that it's been my lifelong conquest to meet him. And who'd have thought that a roadie smoking a cigarette would tip me off to my destiny?

I can't wait to get home and listen to the new album today. Should be good... they previewed some songs last night. Somehow I'm not feeling fatigued, even though I was bouncing around the Staten Island Ferry at 3 am... hmmm go figure.

What a night.

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