Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'll Give You Something to Blog About...

What is it with blogging? Are people that desperate for attention that they want everyone to know what's going on in their lives? Haha, well apparently I jumped onto the same bandwagon. Truthfully, my excuse is just that I like to write and this gives me a place to be creative in an otherwise defeatingly boring environment.

I remember keeping an electronic journal type thing when I was in college... just on my laptop, not for anyone to see. As I went back and read the entries from years ago, I realized, I wasn't really writing those for MYSELF, I was writing them as though other people were going to read them. So it's kind of like I was blogging before blogging became the "thing" to do.

Well here's my blog. I hope everyone that chooses to read it finds it stimulating, interesting, and entertaining. Either that, or it kills five minutes of down time while they, like me, are waiting for their phone to ring.

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