Friday, September 02, 2005

What's the Haps

Someone asked me recently if I was truly happy. Other than my job being the most painfully stupid and boring place on earth, I answered yes. Some of the things that make me happy are:

my family, my "real" friends, David, soccer, Appetites on Main, the Red Sox, Melbourne Strawberry Ale, my doggies , AOL IM at work when I'm bored (which is pretty much always), Super Mario Brothers, Yatzhee, getting on, my new car...

friends... ha now that's an interesting topic. I am Lindy, the people collector. Everywhere I go I see someone I know. I feel so popular... maybe covering up for my insecurity? I dunno. I like people. I am friendly. I like meeting new folks. But I'm realizing as I travel through life... my real friends are so few and far between anymore. At one point in my life I would have said I had a hundred friends. Now I'm down to about 1/5 that... sure I know lots and lots of people, but a friend is someone you can trust, rely on, count on. And even in that remaining 20... I doubt the integrity of some. But I've been good at weeding out the baddies and keeping the good ones around. I've traded my exentisve people collection for some real gems that I intend to keep forever! You know who you are...

Damn, my life ain't so bad. But it's amazing how your opinion of your life can change in such a short period of time. 18 months ago I was convinced that I would be lonely, miserable, unemployed, and fat forever. And all four of those factors have since changed! Let's just hope I'm not due for 18 mos. of happiness before I plunge into the depths of hell again.

It's time for the bbq. I'm gonna get me a burger.

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