Thursday, March 16, 2006

Diamond Dave in the mornings...

When Howard left to go to the Dark Side, I found myself still tuning in to 94.1 WYSP in the mornings... and I got caught up in David Lee Roth's morning show.

Now, this show is NOTHING like Howard... and I've been a Howard listener for probably 7 or 8 years now, if not longer. However, mornings without DLR are just not right. He is my soothing voice in the morning. He talks about really boring shit most of the time... and I don't find myself laughing out loud like I used to with Howard. But I love him. I absolutely love David Lee Roth and his morning show.

The only things I do NOT like are those STUPIDLY REPETATIVE prime rib sub commercials from Quiznos.

Ok. We get it. Prime rib sub is toast. I got it the first time. And the second. Now shut the f*ck up!

Anyway... I'm sitting here at work listening to my iPod, (I figured out a way to hook it into my desktop speakers, YAY!) and I selected David Lee Roth's playlist... and as he sings about 'Big Trouble," I can't help but marvel at his career. This guy has done more drugs, women, and God only knows what else in his 50-odd years on this planet... and now I listen to him, day in and day out, talking about everything and nothing of any remote interest, yet, I listen.
A few weeks ago, he was on vacation. And one of the other 94.1 deejays, Kidd Chris, was doing the morning show on DLR's behalf. And, even though Kidd Chris is popular, and very silly, and talks about all sorts of crazy stuff, I found myself totally uninterested and actually listened to, EUREKA!, music in the morning! Now there's a novel concept.

Anyway, I felt the need to give a fond shout-out to this washed up rocker who now has become an essential part of my ever-important daily routine. Thanks Diamond Dave, you rock.

But grow your hair. You were way sexier with long hair.

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