Friday, March 03, 2006

our house is a very very very fine house

Well Dave and I are finally moved in!!!! It took almost 2 full weeks from start to finish (not including packing time) but it's totally worth it! It's so cute and cozy and we're both really happy to be there. I will definitely miss the days of Fatty and Fatti and 420 Village Walk, and the memories will follow us down the line, but this is a fun and exciting step towards Dave's and my new life together!!! I will be really glad when we're unpacked fully and settled into the new place, but it feels good to call it home finally.

Otherwise, things are status quo. We went to the Duke-Temple basketball game last weekend, and Dave was ecstatic to see his favorite player, JJ Redick, break the all-time conference record for scoring. We were actually afraid it wasn't going to happen... there were only 6 minutes left in the second half and he'd only scored 5 of the 9 he needed, but then he sunk a sweet 3 pointer, and took a foul shot to tie and then break the esteemed record. Go JJ! I was so glad Dave got to be there to see it!!!! We had great seats too, which made the experience all the better.

Speaking of great seats, last night I was at the Flyers-Rangers game...
talk about shitting the bed! My God. The Flyers came out strong, played a great first period... but no one is really quite sure what happened after that. By the end of the game, it was 6-1 and basically the entire arena had left... and with good reason. Apparently the Flyers didn't know they had a game last night because they certainly did not show up to play.
And supposedly we have Silver AND Gold medalists on the team... they must have sent stunt doubles... they were still in Torino hanging out with the Italian babes.
Anyway, it was a really really really sucky game. And everyone was so fired up, first home game after the Olympics... what a let down.

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