Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Better luck next year...

The Yankees suck.

That's all I have to say about that.

The weekend celebrations were good... Jami got to spend consecutive nights with her consecutive boys... and the dollar store raid was a success. Especially the pink, yellow, and blue visors. How chic. (picture to come later)

I was really angry at Dave this weekend. I understand his situation COMPLETELY... moreso than he realizes, but he has made some really foolish decisions (ebay, football betting, etc...) and I'm not sure what it's going to take for him to really wake up and realize that money doesn't grow on trees. But I told him I'd stick by him regardless... only after making him feel awful by bursting into tears, saying, "I don't understand why every boyfriend I have is plagued with problems involving money..."
I don't think he'll do this again. I think he's learned his lesson... at least I hope. Unfortunately there is a goddamned gambling ring taking place at his apartment right now... which is one of the major reasons that he's been staying with me so much. And for that, I am proud of him.

I want sushi.

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