Friday, October 07, 2005

Red Sox 2, White Sox 4, top of the 6th

So it's a rainy Friday October afternoon at Market Point... and, lo and behold... I'm bored! Ha!

I got my iPod fixed finally. After those jackasses at Apple who REFUSED to help me because my AppleCare Extended Warranty had expired the DAY BEFORE I called them were able to do nothing, I did some investigative work and managed to solve the problem. I rule!

Looking forward to a good weekend- Jami's birthday (multiple celebrations) , a rainy day to catch up on the mundane tasks of apartment life, and then hopefully a clearing on Sunday for some fall soccer. It's not lookin good though... and go freakin' figure, we have 13 people confirmed... first game all season we'll have subs and it's supposed to be a wash (pun intended).

Oh well. Such is life.

T-Minus 15 days and counting to Paradise Island! WOOHOO!!!!!

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