Thursday, December 08, 2005

Armageddon cometh...

The forecast calls for 2-4 inches tonight, and then another 2-4 tomorrow early am...
so the entire world shuts down, because they are apparently COMPLETELY incapable of functioning. For the love of God people, we live in the freakin' Northeast!!! You should be used to this. Don't get me wrong, driving in snow can suck, big time. And you do have to be very careful and cautious. But don't rush to the grocery store and wipe out the shelves because you might run out of bread, milk, and Capn' Crunch. Give me a break. Life will go on, you most likely WILL have to work tomorrow because the roads will NOT be impassable... and if they are, well, I will stand corrected with absolutely no problem. But chill the F*** out and stop acting like you've never seen snow before people!

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