Thursday, December 01, 2005

January Freakin' 11th?!

I found out last night after watching the 8th episode of Lost this season, that there will not be another new episode for FORTY TWO DAYS! I'm beside myself with anger at the network... what the fuck are they thinking? Their ratings have already dropped this season, because it's been SOOOOOO slow. And now they're going to make their loyal fans wait 6 weeks to see a new installment? Give me a fucking break. "Holiday programming" my ass. I turned to CBS during a commercial break last night, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was on. Those freaking psychotic toys singing about being misfits on the Island of Unwanted Toys and I was actually quite disturbed. For the first time last night, I saw the poorly concealed strings holding these freaky little puppets up.

Okay obviously I have some deep rooted issues if I'm getting mad about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

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