Thursday, September 22, 2005

Manilow said it best... Weekend in New England

I have to go to Massachusettes this weekend to help my dad bury his mother.
I really can't say that I feel all that badly about it. I'm more selfishly pissed that my stupid boyfriend isn't coming with me but I guess I'm going to have to get over that.
He has to go get his parents at the airport... which is fine and dandy, except he only conveniently remembered that this two days ago. Talk about a buzzkill. I was still flying high from Monday night's insanity.

But back to the issue at hand... so I'm going to Boston. I can't wait to go back! Although it sorta makes me sad... because at one time, I had ten zillion people to see in Boston. And now I can only think of 2 or 3 who will even return my phone calls... let alone make time to see me. I get to see my lovely Andrea this weekend which will be fantastic. We have been engaged in the most ridiculously stupid game of phone tag for months... gah! And I will hopefully see Beth Ann. That girl is one of the most loyal long-distance friends I've ever had. I'm putting in a few more phone calls to other Bostonians but most of them are selfish assholes who chose not to put forth effort upon our departure from BU and clearly don't give a shit about where I am anymore. But whatever, that's neither here nor there. What the fuck ever happened to Liz Spurrell? Liz if you're out there, would you please drop me a line? HELLO?

So it's time to put Grandma McCord in the ground. What a sad sad existance she led for the past seven years. My Dad is right, Alzheimers is the Devil. I guess that is why I'm really not so sad about her passing... because I feel as though I lost her a long time ago. But she lost me even before she was diagnosed. The woman clearly felt my education and my pursuits for success were a waste and had no trouble expressing that. But of course my brother could do no wrong. Oh God don't get me started.

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